UVaMOX Research group

The UVaMOX team is formed by professors belonging to different fields who have been working together for more than 20 years, since the creation of the oenology studies at the Palencia Campus of the University of Valladolid. It is important to highlight that each of the members has been trained in different areas such as Oenological Chemistry, Oenological Engineering, Food Technology, Automation and Sensors, Data Analysis, Image Analysis, thus forming a multidisciplinary team specialized in different areas of the agri-food sector focused on oenology, which allows to face new projects in a global way.
During these years the research team has obtained and developed more than 30 international, national and regional competitive research projects, as well as 50 research contracts with national and international companies, for a total value of more than one and a half million euros. The most relevant results have resulted in more than 120 publications in SCI journals and 50 publications in technical journals, as well as the organization and participation in congresses, conferences and courses for the dissemination of the results obtained.
In 2017 UVaMOX obtained the status of “R&D&I Associated Unit to CSIC” through the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences – ICVV (CSIC, Government of La Rioja, University of La Rioja) which it successfully renewed in 2020. UVaMOX obtained the status of research group of excellence with the recognition of Consolidated Research Unit (UIC) by the regional government (Junta de Castilla y LeĆ³n) in 2015, a status it maintains today.
The international collaboration of the group is in full expansion phase with collaborations with the University of Florence (OenoLabtech), the University of Ghent (WoodLab), the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), the University of TuGraz, the University of Talca among others, as well as with leading international companies in the development of sensors (Presens, PyroScience) or from the wine sector (Nomacorc, Clayver, TAVA or CorkSupply Portugal among others) or national (Bodegas RamĆ³n Bilbao, Grupo Tempos Vega Sicilia, Matarromera, Barena,) as can be seen in the contracts signed by the group.
In the call DESAFIO UNIVERSIDAD-EMPRESA 2018, we obtained the first prize from the ConsejerĆa de EducaciĆ³n through the FundaciĆ³n Universidades y EnseƱanzas Superiores de Castilla y LeĆ³n (FUESCYL) with the project entitled “Control del oxĆgeno en los distintos recipientes de crianza” together with the winery Vega Sicilia. We are currently pioneers at international level in the application of oxygen measurement in the oenological field, which has allowed us to participate as invited speakers in several national and international congresses.

News and events
Manuel technique. Bonnes pratiques de la gestion de lāoxygĆØne au chai
EdiciĆ³n francesa PrĆ³logo por Jean-Claude Vidal (IngĆ©nieur et Ånologue) Estimados amigos, finalmente ya estĆ” publicado el “Manuel technique Bonnes pratiques…
Handbook of best practices for O2 management in the winery
Prologue by Andrew L. Waterhouse, Ph. D. (UCDavis) English edition A free copy of this handbook can be freely downloaded…
EdiciĆ³n impresa del Manual tĆ©cnico
Buenas prĆ”cticas para la gestiĆ³n del O2 en bodega Ya estĆ” a la venta la ediciĆ³n impresa en alta calidad…
UVaMOX en el SalĆ³n IbĆ©rico de Equipamiento para Bodega 2024
UVaMOX participa en el SIEB 2024 Feria de Valladolid celebra del 5 al 7 de marzo dos nuevas ediciones de…
Conference: Aging spirits in wood, a source of value
UVaMOX will present at this conference a lecture entitled “Le fĆ»t de chĆŖne, plus qu’un rĆ©cipient” (The oak barrel, more…
Jornada de presentaciĆ³n del Manual TĆ©cnico. La gestiĆ³n del O2 en bodega
El prĆ³ximo jueves, 14 de diciembre, en el Campus de Palencia de la Universidad de Valladolid presentaremos el Manual TĆ©cnico….