OTR dynamics in new oak barrels: A new approach

Recent Advances in the evaluation of the oxygen transfer rate in oak barrels

Few weeks ago we publised an article related to wine ageing in HDPE tanks, now we came back to you with a deep study focused in the evolution of the OTR of new oak barrels. The entry of atmospheric oxygen into wine barrels is one aspect of the wine aging process. The oxygen transfer rate regulates changes in wine and can affect aging rates because some barrels may result in greater wine oxygenation. This study measured the transfer rate and oxygen distribution within a barrel. The analysis indicated the presence of a dissolved oxygen concentration gradient in the liquid, with greater concentrations near the bung. The study of the transfer rate of oxygen over time, in 12 barrels of different types, showed that wetting wood reduces oxygen diffusion and the oxygen transfer rate. These results are the first to determine the kinetics of oxygen entry into wine barrels and can be used to quantify the annual rate of oxygen entry in wine barrels.

This work is fully developed in our last manuscript entittled Recent advances in the evaluation of the oxygen transfer rate in oak barrels in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

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